Arc-M-301-101 Studienprogrammübergreifendes Projekt CTBUH 2020 International Student Tall Building Design Competition


Lehrende: Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung, Projekt

Orga-Einheit: Architektur

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Arc: IP

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 4

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30


Zusätzliche Informationen zu Terminen:
Die Veranstaltung findet aufgrund der aktuellen Situation bis auf Weiteres ausschließlich digital statt.
Projekteinführung: Donnerstag, 23.4.20, 15 Uhr (Videokonferenz)
Wöchentliche Videokonferenz donnerstags 15 Uhr

Aufgrund aktueller Umstände findet das diesjährige Kooperationsprojekt der Masterstudiengängen Architektur und Stadtplanung der HafenCity-Universität Hamburg mit dem renommierten IIT Chicago | Illinois Institute of Technology onlinebasiert auf der Grundlage eines aktuell ausgeschriebenen Studierendenwettbewerbes statt.
Der Wettbewerb thematisiert eine neue, kontextbezogene städtebauliche Arrondierung und architektonische Formulierung zukünftiger Hochhausarchitektur. Keine andere Stadt weltweit bietet daher die geeignetere Bühne für diesen Wettbewerb als Chicago! Hier wurden gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts die Grundlagen für diesen neuen Typus hochverdichteter, urbaner Architektur gelegt.
Aus diesem Grund werden innerhalb dieses Entwurfskurses ausschließlich Standorte in Chicago bearbeitet. Mehrere relevante Orte innerhalb der Metropole am Lake Michigan werden – unterstützt durch die Expertise des IIT.s vorgegeben - und innerhalb desEntwurfskurses analysiert Die Auswahl des endgültigen Entwurfsstandortes erfolgt durch die jeweiligen Entwurfsteams.
Aufgrund fehlender Präsenzveranstaltungen in der HCU erfolgt im ersten Teil des Entwurfskurses die Bearbeitung analog der Expertise von Architektur – und Stadtplanungsstudieren, im 2. Teil ist eine interessensgebundene Teambearbeitung vorgesehen.

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is pleased to announce its 9th nternational Student Tall Building Design Competition. The goal of the competition is to hed new light on the meaning and value of tall buildings in modern society. The age of the tall building as a single iconic piece of sculpture, standing in isolation from its urroundings, is coming to an end. Designers have a responsibility to ensure that these rmanent urban structures engender a future-oriented urban response to the greatest challenges of our time: unprecedented population growth; mass urbanization; climate change; environmental degradation; social, political and economic change; and the rapid advance of myriad technical innovations. The future of humanity on this planet relies on the collective benefits of urban density; reducing both land consumption and the energy needed to construct and operate the horizontally dispersed city. Tall buildings must now be the vehicles for creating increased density not just through sheer height, but by connecting multiple layers of the city. Physical urban infrastructure, circulation, greenery, and urban functions traditionally restricted to theground level would all, ideally, continue up and into the building, such that the buildings themselves become an extension of the city: a part of the two-dimensional horizontal urban plane flipped vertical.
Participants are free to site their projects anywhere in the world. But this is not to undervalue the importance of site – participants should carefully consider their site (which must be a “real” site, in an existing urban location) as the site context should inherently have significant influence over the project’s design. Participants are also free to determine the size, height, function, accommodation and responsibilities of the building. The intention is these freedoms on site and program will maximize the diversity and creativity of the responses. It is also intended to allow students from specific high-rise educational studies around the world during the 2019–20 academic year to submit their projects for consideration.
Participants should engage with the exploration and resolution of the synergistic relationship between a tall building and its urban setting; how that tall building can be inspired by the cultural, physical, and environmental aspects of its site; how the program of the building is influenced by the micro and macro site/urban conditions; and how the building responds to global issues. Proposals should show evidence of a clear understanding of how considerations of structure, environment, servicing, etc. are as vital to the success of a tall building as the form, materials, aesthetics, etc.
Participants need to also consider the CTBUH Criteria for defining tall buildings, such that “at least 50% of its height is occupied by usable floor area,” (i.e., proposals should be functional “buildings” not simply observation, communication, or other towers). Some of the multi-layered elements that participants should take into consideration may include (in no particular hierarchy):
¦ local climate
¦ urban grain
¦ neighboring buildings
¦ city requirements
¦ community requirements
¦ social sustainability
¦ environmental sustainability
¦ efficiency of materials, space, and usage
¦ aesthetics
¦ proportions
¦ local, social, and cultural conditions
¦ materiality
¦ new technologies


Arc-M-Mod-301, Arc-M09-0101, Arc-M09-0201, Arc-M09-0301, SP-M-Mod-201

Die Veranstaltung ist in die folgenden Kleingruppen aufgeteilt:
  • Interdisziplinäres Projekt - Gruppe Architektur

    Prof. Paolo Fusi; Alexandra Schmitz; Prof. Klaus Sill

  • Interdisziplinäres Projekt - Gruppe Stadtplanung

    Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill

    Do, 23. Apr. 2020 [09:45]-Do, 9. Jul. 2020 [14:15]

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 23. Apr. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
2 Do, 30. Apr. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
3 Do, 7. Mai 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
4 Do, 14. Mai 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
5 Do, 28. Mai 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
6 Do, 11. Jun. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
7 Do, 18. Jun. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
8 Do, 25. Jun. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
9 Do, 2. Jul. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
10 Do, 9. Jul. 2020 14:15 17:45 Prof. Paolo Fusi; Prof. Klaus Sill
Übersicht der Kurstermine
  • 1
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  • 5
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Prof. Paolo Fusi
Prof. Klaus Sill